
Posted December 5, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: Uncategorized

My cat has cancer. Not sure what type. I will only know after his surgery (scheduled either this arvo or tomorrow morning) and after his tumour has been biopsied. Till then, I won’t be updating.

If you want to get hold of me, you can always email me. I’m broken. More than I have ever been in my entire life. And no, he’s not Just A Cat. He’s my cat and my companion for the past 3.5 years. He’s the one who sleeps with me (almost) every single night. So if my partner can concede that he reigns more than her in my heart, surely you can hold your tongue and not say “he’s just a cat.”

Till then.

A real holiday

Posted November 14, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: Uncategorized

I reached Adelaide on Friday, in the wee hours of the morning at 5am. Cosmic twin and Jan came to pick Mervin and myself up. I was really tired, but really stoked to be here. It’s been a while since all 5 of us (Mervin, Chris, Jan, Wendy and myself) have gotten together. The experience of being together again, is like finding an old shirt in the cupboard that you haven’t seen for yonks and putting it on and realising how much you missed that comfortable feeling.

It’s funny how we all met. Jan and I were coursemates from Polytechnic. Wendy and I met online and realised a week later that our exes had gotten together. Mervin and Jan knew each other but not really well. Chris and Wendy have been housemates for the past few years. The most comfortable thing is we all can be our queer selves when we’re with each other. Not that we can’t be ourselves with (most of) our straight friends but it’s just stupid little things that we crap on about, that somehow only queers would understand – no offense to my straight friends out there.

So anyways, it was the opening night of Wendy’s and Chris’ architecture exhibition last night. Free flow of booze and food. Strangely enough, I didn’t rise to the occasion like I usually do. I had like 3/4 a bottle of Coopers and that was more than enough for me. By the end of the night, I had a headache from the lack of sleep and was waiting to have a bath and a proper night’s sleep. But well, the proper night’s sleep didn’t quite come to pass. Haha.

Woke up at 9+am on Saturday and had brekkie with Chris, Mervin and Jan at a nice cafe before sending Jan off to the airport. The lucky bugger was watching U2!! If it wasn’t for U2, we’d probably have more time together. =)

Monday passed in a blur. I woke up at ten-ish and was truly starving. Waited for Wendy and Chris to get up and we eventually found ourselves having brunch across the road at the Exeter Hotel. I had fish and chips! Okay, my instant noodles and fast food diet obviously went on longer than I would have preferred it did. But ya, I’m eating proper food here. So yup, beer battered fish and chips it was for me. I decided not to have a beer because I was gonna pierce my ear after lunch. Yes mateys, your friend here wishes to commemorate the end of her student life, as with every other piercing, this one has meaning to it, too. So anyways, no beer for me. After lunch we hopped into the car and went down Goodwood Street but alas, the piercing did not come to pass. I reckon it was not meant to be, coz Four Roses had moved away. Darn. And I’m not quite trusting as to let any Tom Dick or Harry pierce my ear with a blasted gun. So I’ll wait and see.

I wandered down Rundle Mall on my own for the rest of the arvo whilst Wendy and Chris went to uni to get stuff settled. Had coffee with them at T Bar before we headed home for yet another snooze. Chris cooked on Sunday. My favourite chicken+chinchalok (preserved shrimp paste) with a lovely omelette. Hee. I swear, if Chris ever decides to be a chef somewhere, I’d sell everything I have to be a partner in that place. Everything except my Jeep of course. Nothing is worth my Jeep. Hee.

Speaking of Jeeps, Jan bought me a diecast Jeep from the Sydney motorshow. I totally loved it and am still very fascinated by it. I have yet to remove it from the box though, a bit afraid of dust getting in. Heh. So anyways, back to my story.

Ya, I was saying…….. Chris cooked on Sunday so Monday night we headed to Star of Siam for a nice Thai dinner with some of their classmates. It was pretty good except for the attitude of the serving staff. But well, we were mere students, and as they guessed, not people to tip, so why bother, right?

Anyways, it’s Tuesday today. We headed to the market to buy stuff for lunch. I decided to cook beehoon for them so it was us trundling around the market looking for the items I needed. came back and prepared everything and then realised, these people don’t possess a wok. How to cook Asian vermicelli like that???? Wellwell, improvise, mon chere. I used this huge ass pot instead. And well, I think the effect wasn’t as good but they liked it and that’s all that matters, no?

So anyway, heading out for dinner now. JAPANESE. Yay! We’re going drinking tonight too. Double yay!!! The last time I really drank, I sculled down ten beers in 3 hours. Let’s see what tonight’s record is.

Flipping the page

Posted October 21, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: Uncategorized

Closing yet another chapter in my life. Just finished the last day of my final placement. Another 4 assignments to go and this DipEd year is officially over.

Wireless rocks

Posted September 16, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: Uncategorized

I’ve always taken my wireless connection for granted. But today, while my partner was teaching me how to cook my dinner over MSN, mind, I suddenly thanked my lucky stars that Vic Hayes invented the concept of wireless.

My parents’ mortality

Posted September 13, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: daily rants

Mum’s going for an operation on 3rd October, to mend a torn ligament in her ankle. This comes rather quickly after her last operation 2 months back, which was to remove an egg sized lump from her left breast. Thankfully, the tumour wasn’t malignant. And I know for a fact that Mum will be in loads of pain after the operation because she’s allergic to most forms of oral painkillers. And I don’t really see her agreeing to taking morphine either so… yeah.

At times like these, I really worry about her (and my dad too of course) and the increasingly visible mortality of my parents. Back when I was a kid, I used to think that life would stay thus forever. That my parents would never age and I would never grow up!



Posted September 9, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: Uncategorized

Just got back from Blonde at Eurotrash Bar, the bi-monthly lesbian event in the city. We (a group of teachers from the college and myself) headed to Blonde at about 11.30, left at 2am, drove to The Peel (a predominantly gay pub/bar/club) and danced till it was 5am.

I just got home and my ears are still ringing from the music. It’s been a while since I did this.

Busy bee

Posted September 5, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: daily rants

No I haven’t suffered from a mental breakdown yet. Hopefully I never will?

In between finishing my assignments, creating a major powerpoint presentation for Ms PhD’s maiden lecture, chasing my Year 12s for their media products and attending uni, I managed to squeeze in a few DVDs over the week or so. I hate watching the news whilst having dinner and neither Neighbours/ nor Home and Away quite appeal to me. Nor do the gameshows. And I’ve watched most of the Simpsons episodes that are being screened now. SO. DVDs are the way to go. Point of the matter… I’ve caught Spanglish, Calendar Girls, My Life Without Me, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Summer Storm and My Summer of Love over the past week.

I liked Spanglish the most, followed by Calendar Girls. There’s this genuinity about the two films I guess, that I liked. Summer Storm and My Life Without Me were pleasant whilst My Summer of Love was just bleah. I didn’t quite get Kiss Kiss Bang Bang though.. the way I didn’t get Napolean Dynamite and Clerks II. Like I know the above three films were meant to be rather satirical and blah but oh well, maybe it’s just me.

One major reason why I liked Spanglish so much is coz there wasn’t a really happy ending sorta. Like Penelope Cruz didn’t end up with Adam Sandler even though they fell in love with each other. Because they each had kids. And that’s the right thing to do. It’s like… their situation reflects reality. Not everyone can give up everything for heady love and not everyone can handle the consequences if they do. And whilst I’m not saying that being in love is a bad thing, it’s a great thing to a certain extent.. but other types of love (in this case, love for a child) come into play, too. And I appreciate that and I laude the director/screenwriter for daring to show that. And of course I’m not making much sense as usual…..


I’m going for an induction at my 3rd placement tomorrow. It’s located at the Williamstown campus so that would be an approximate 20min drive from my place. Just realised that because it’s the Williamstown campus, it’s the junior campus meaning I’m teaching Years 7-9. Will be quite a different experience I reckon, as I’ve been teaching mostly senior kids. But I think younger kids are easier to handle. They might be more rebellious but less malicious still. And at the end of the day, at 24, I’m still an adult to them… hrm. We’ll see about that tomorrow.

More updates after the induction.

Mental shutdown

Posted August 22, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: food intake, uni

I’m due for a mental shutdown soon. Like seriously. I have to concede though, I spent the last two weekends sleeping and sleeping and sleeping so it’s payback time now I guess…

Was up till about 4am last night trying to make sense of policy documents for my presentation tomorrow. Rocked up to uni at noon to meet my classmates for our discussion – they didn’t have any issues with my research so I came home and started to work on my powerpoint presentation.

So anyways, the presentation is mostly done.. and I should really get on with that waaaay overdue media bibliography… /huge sigh

Oh anyone noticed the new blog look? That picture there was taken at like 5am enroute Sydney. Friends and I were driving up to Sydney and I’d just moved from the driver’s seat so I was happily snapping away for a good fifteen minutes, trying to get a really good shot without using the flash. But alas, laws of motion did not allow for it. And I’m rambling on with my drivel…..

Gosh, I can’t wait for Friday. That’s when I usually have a nice round of drinks with Cindy at the other teachers from the college at The Quiet Man. I need a drink oh-so-badly.

Food intake for today – I’m so deterioriating. Looks like I only remember to eat well during the weekend.

2 slices toast with jam
1 glass juice
1 cup coffee

Sliced beans with egg
Preserved pork cubes
1 glass juice

To my dear cosmic twin… bangers and mash are sausages with mash potato..


Posted August 21, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: food intake, uni

Food intake for today…….

2 slices toast
1 glass fruit juice

4 biscuits
2 glasses water

Bangers and mash
1/2 glass wine

Didn’t do too well on the water front today…. hrm.

Am really stressed up with my impending presentations and assignments. I keep telling myself if I could survive Honours, I can do this. But somehow Honours is such a distant memory so there isn’t any point in comparing.

At this point in time.. I just wanna pass…..

Tracking the food intake

Posted August 20, 2006 by coffeeandcigarettes
Categories: food intake

As part of my decision to live a healthier life, I will be tracking my food and water intake (hopefully) on a daily basis. I have really bad habits and living alone really doesn’t help. I hardly eat fruits/vegetables and rarely drink water. Caffeine (in the form of Coke and coffee) is often my choice of beverage..

Well, here’s hoping that I can first improve my diet and then eventually work my way to exercising on a regular basis.

I didn’t manage to wake up for brekkie today so.. my food intake for today
– 3 pancakes
– 1 cup Ovaltine
– 1 cup coffee

– plain porridge
– sliced beans egg omelette
– preserved pork cubes (ya ya.. unhealthy I know.. I’m working on it!)

and two tumblers of water in between.

Here’s hoping!